A widely known
case is the Columbine High School Massacre. This happened in year 1999 in
Colorado and 12 people were killed by two senior students who then committed
suicide. This event opened up the discussion of gun possession laws, violence
in movies and songs, videogames, bullying and antidepressants.
It is a shame
that this catastrophe had to happen in order for the government to make the due
investigations about violence in school and how the violent culture they were
surrounded with affected young people all throughout America. This is not the
only killing that has happened to a school, here is a list of some other
attacks that have occurred in the United States: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_attacks_related_to_secondary_schools
Here is a list
of some scary facts I found:
- Thirty seven percent {37%} of American
students report the presence of gang in their schools.
- In 2000, the number of crimes at school in
which students ages 12 through 18 were the victims is 2.5 million. About
186,000 of those were serious violent crimes {including rape, sexual
assault, robbery and aggravated assault}.
- In 2000, about 29% of students in grades
9 through 12 reported that someone had offered, sold or given them an
illegal drug on school property.
- Teenagers are two times more likely than
others to be victims of violent crimes
- An average of one homicide event occurs every seven school days. School related Homicides increase at the beginning of the school year and after winter breaks.
- The number of high school age boys who took a
weapon to school 2000 is one out every five.
- The number of students in the United
States who carry a gun to school, on any given day is 200,000.
- The number separate of acts of violence
reported in schools in 2002 is 10,951.
- Violence remains the second leading cause of
death for Americans aged 15 to24.
- The number of thefts that occurred at schools in 2000 is 1.2 million. Students are more likely to be victims of theft at school than away from school.
Of course, the
education system is not the only one to blame. Violence can come from home, the
streets or other friends, but it is in school were young Americans spend most
of their time, and it is there where they learn about the basic principles of
living in society, such as tolerance, respect and responsibility. School is not
just for learning math or science, it is about creating bonds and gaining
confidence in yourself and in the one’s around you, but how can you trust in
your friends if you fear they can kill you?
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